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If you have complaints of vaginal dryness, urinary leakage, or discomfort during intercourse Viveve® could be a solution for you. Viveve is a painless, quick, non-surgical treatment that can be done in one office visit. Viveve uses patented Cryogen-cooled Monopolar Radiofrequency (CMRF); the Viveve Treatment delivers energy deeply into tissue to stimulate new collagen. This device protects the surface of the skin and allows delivery of heat at precise temperatures to stimulate the body’s natural collagen and improve structural integrity of the vagina to support the urethra.

Results of the collagen development can be noticed after treatment and continue to improve to about 3 months post-treatment, and sustained results are documented at 12 months. There is no downtime and no restrictions after your treatment. Viveve does not require any anesthesia or analgesics.

This treatment has been very successful for breast cancer survivors. Due to the nature of this disease and its treatment many women are unable to produce estrogen, nor can they tolerate estrogen replacement therapies. Estrogen is vital to vaginal health. Without estrogen, aging of vaginal tissues can accelerate. This acceleration can lead to dryness and discomfort. Viveve is a perfect option for treatment.

If you would like to know more about the Viveve treatment or have questions for our providers please schedule a free consultation. And remember, you’re not alone! We talk with patients daily about these complaints! The good news is, you don’t have to suffer anymore.

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